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Showing posts from 2014

Thought's on Robin Williams' Unexpected Death

It's no surprise that the untimely, premature, and unexpected death of Robin Williams has captured both our hearts and minds.  After all over the years we've invited him into our homes and paid to be entertained by him.  To say that he was a comic genius is still not the accolade that we feel best describes his talent.  His creativity, his quickness, his expressions have fascinated us to the point eliciting our admiration and dumbfounded response . . . "How could anybody do that?" The tweeted reactions declare our loss and echo a hope, possibly unfounded, that he is now entertaining angels in heaven.  Robin's search for personal happiness and fulfillment led him such that he ended his life this side of heaven by asphyxiation, hanging by his belt. Heaven is a part of our Christian belief system - it has made its way into the fabric of our collective DNA and consciousness.  Unfortunately what so many apparently believe is heaven is 'our gift' to someone we...