It's been a long time since I've watched Award Shows of any kind, but being the newsaholic that I am, I've become very aware of the language that many find amusing, entertaining, or part of everyday conversation. I grew up in a day and age where my parents did not hesitate to literally wash my mouth with soap. The "F" word was not allowed under any circumstance. No, I'm not talking about that "F" word, but the one that refers to a bodily function that comes with odor. How far we have come when those who have public platforms to lace their award speeches, their monologues with boldness and a good measure of arrogance. Unbelievable! Yet it is true. I am not the one to set the bar for righteousness, I'm far from being good or perfect. What bothers me as much as anything is the moral superiority conveyed with their verbal attacks and vicious, foul-language. An old friend once said referring to the Hollywood crowd that "they have bodies ...
Wounded by my President's Attitude! I generally stay away from posts that have obvious political overtones but I'm sorry I can no longer be silent on this one. Recently I've watched to my absolute horror the beheading of journalists, the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot (a spectacle carefully designed to shock the sensibilities of the western world). I've seen the pictures of kidnappings, murders, and abuses in mass that have broken my heart and caused me to asked 'what in the world is going on?' Mr. President, there is no way you can minimize the horror or the nature of these atrocities by deflecting the threat 'radical islam' poses by bringing up the Crusades of almost a 1000 years ago. Nor can you point to the abuses of misguided Americans who falsely used Christianity to justify their economic greed by 'importing' cheap labor. Remember that is was well-meaning Christians that spearheaded a movement to bring slavery to an end. Since you we...