Wounded by my President's Attitude!
I generally stay away from posts that have obvious political overtones but I'm sorry I can no longer be silent on this one. Recently I've watched to my absolute horror the beheading of journalists, the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot (a spectacle carefully designed to shock the sensibilities of the western world). I've seen the pictures of kidnappings, murders, and abuses in mass that have broken my heart and caused me to asked 'what in the world is going on?' Mr. President, there is no way you can minimize the horror or the nature of these atrocities by deflecting the threat 'radical islam' poses by bringing up the Crusades of almost a 1000 years ago. Nor can you point to the abuses of misguided Americans who falsely used Christianity to justify their economic greed by 'importing' cheap labor. Remember that is was well-meaning Christians that spearheaded a movement to bring slavery to an end. Since you were willing to ride your 'high horse' and set yourself up as the standard bearer for righteousness I am within my rights to say 'your attitude disgusts me'. My Lord, not only is the champion of poor, the least, the lost, and the last, He is also the one who promotes peace - not at the cost of passivity but at the voluntary surrendering of his own life as he hung on a cross. You will be hard pressed to find any time, any where, at any point in history where Islam has peacefully co-existed with its neighbors! I am hurt that your comments, no doubt, carefully scripted seemed to denigrate Christianity while exalting Islam. Painful!
I generally stay away from posts that have obvious political overtones but I'm sorry I can no longer be silent on this one. Recently I've watched to my absolute horror the beheading of journalists, the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot (a spectacle carefully designed to shock the sensibilities of the western world). I've seen the pictures of kidnappings, murders, and abuses in mass that have broken my heart and caused me to asked 'what in the world is going on?' Mr. President, there is no way you can minimize the horror or the nature of these atrocities by deflecting the threat 'radical islam' poses by bringing up the Crusades of almost a 1000 years ago. Nor can you point to the abuses of misguided Americans who falsely used Christianity to justify their economic greed by 'importing' cheap labor. Remember that is was well-meaning Christians that spearheaded a movement to bring slavery to an end. Since you were willing to ride your 'high horse' and set yourself up as the standard bearer for righteousness I am within my rights to say 'your attitude disgusts me'. My Lord, not only is the champion of poor, the least, the lost, and the last, He is also the one who promotes peace - not at the cost of passivity but at the voluntary surrendering of his own life as he hung on a cross. You will be hard pressed to find any time, any where, at any point in history where Islam has peacefully co-existed with its neighbors! I am hurt that your comments, no doubt, carefully scripted seemed to denigrate Christianity while exalting Islam. Painful!