Did God really create me in His Image and What does that mean? To be honest I've pondered that thought many times. It's not as if I'm trying to recreate Him into something of my image or imagination. I doubt seriously that He has a beard to stroke as He contemplates another of His steps towards being a Cosmic Killjoy. For that matter I believe His Word implicitly. He is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). His promise is not to rob us of joy but to fill our life with a sense of abundance - not in terms of monetary wealth but of significance and purpose (John 10:10).
Then what does it mean? I can't be exhaustive but let me work on two verses:
1) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). There you go! To start with God placed within us the ability to be creative. It would be easy and over simplistic if I were to say we're all Michelangelos in the making. We may not be destined to the artistry of a Van Gogh, Rembrant, or any of the other great painters. Nor are we prodigy's with the piano like a Beethoven or Van Cliburn but we can be creative in our own ways - through the talents given us by God. Maybe you work with wood, cars, enjoy the out of doors and gardening. Maybe you find your greatest moments of relaxation by strumming a guitar but believe you me that we often times feel most 'like ourselves' in those moments where creativity is expressed.
2) Then there is a second point of being created in the image. When we are generous! The most beloved verse in all the world, it makes no difference where you go, what language you may be speaking is John 3:16. Think carefully through those opening words, "For God so loved the world that he gave . . . . . " Two qualities - the capacity to love (to think beyond yourself) and the capacity to give. Generosity is a god-like quality! The ability to give is a god-like quality. Generosity is the antithesis of selfishness! To meet the known need of another by giving of yourself or of your resources is a reflection of God's character, God's image built into you and me. To give for no other reason than grace is definitely a God-thing made flesh in your life.
My tendency in moment's of anguish is to retreat into a state of inactivity and seclusion. Yet Biblically speaking the real answer to the anguish and the chaos of the day is to be creative in some form or fashion. My flesh says, "this is mine". My spirit says, "this is God's".